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Why Planetstreet Press?

Every day, around 5 am, our mailbox pushes the world news into our living room and lives. A newspaper filled with the corona virus, disasters, earthquakes, terrorist attacks and wars. The articles in the newspaper deprive us from an eye for news around us, in our daily lives, in our streets. We tend to learn more about people living in war in Syria than we know about our direct surroundings. We want to make news of everybody’s daily lives. News, in the end, is something, somebody, somewhere decides it is.

What is Planetstreet Press?

Planetstreet Press is an international photo press agency founded and led by Rubie van Crevel and Eise van Maanen. Planetstreet Press is nomadic and works from its mobile office.
The editors of Planetstreet Press would initially travel by car from the Planetenstraat in Amsterdam through Europe and the Middle East, to Africa. But unfortunately, the long decided departure date also heralded the closing of international borders due to the outbreak of the Corona virus. This trip is therefore delayed until further notice. So, instead of stepping outside our houses and country, we step back into our houses in quarantine together with our correspondents.

Planetstreet Press follows the method of the internationally curated Participating Artists’ Press Agency (PAPA), developed by Lino Hellings.

Planetstreet Press makes news through photowalks. The only assignment in a photowalk is to make a picture of whatever catches your eye while walking in a selected location. During the week after the walk we upload 2 pictures a day to the Planetstreet Press-website for 5 days from this one stack of photo's, from our own office or home. In this daily ritual of selecting 2 photo’s we ask ourselves what it was that caught our attention, which we express in a title and a short descriptive text to accompany our pictures. A picture with a title and caption is 'a detail with a story' or an observation. The objective is to capture and categorize observations, to ultimately provide insights in life elsewhere, differences and similarities, and solutions that people find for everybody's daily challenges.


rubie van crevel


eise van maanen



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planetstreetpress is based on the PAPA method of Lino Hellings

planetstreetpress is programmed by jan thomas, kunZZt